Monday, April 14, 2014

Vankaya Kobbari Karam ~ Stuffed Brinjal Recipe

Today, I have for you an Andhra style stuffed brinjal recipe , Vankaya Kobbari Karam, that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. I am a faithful fan of brinjals aka eggplants and my blog is testimony to that. :)
These stuffed brinjals are soft and gooey with an aromatic stuffing that include dry coconut, fresh coriander and cumin. The kitchen is filled with an incredible aroma as the baby brinjals roast over slow fire. I’ve always been a fresh coriander lover and its inclusion elevates this hearty Andhra stuffed brinjal recipe. In fact dry coconut and coriander are the flavor boosters for this vegetarian dish. The key is in choosing the right kind of brinjals. Avoid the seedy bitter variety and go for tender, baby brinjals.
Though the dish lacks in looks, it more than makes up in flavor :) All brinjal lovers, especially the ones who heart stuffed brinjals, will surely make this a staple.

Process of stuffing

Vankaya Kobbari Karam - Stuffed Brinjal Recipe

Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 35 min
Yield: 4
Main Ingredients: brinjals coconut


  • Small Brinjals - 1/4 kgs, purple or green, make a long + slit length wise keeping stack intact
  • Tamarind - 1 1/2 tsps mixed in 1/4 cup water
  • Jaggery - 1 tsp(optional)
  • Oil - 2 tbsps
  • Fresh coriander leaves for garnish
  • For Stuffing:
  • Dry coconut - 1/3 cup, grated
  • Green chilies - 3
  • Coriader leaves - 1/4 cup, packed
  • Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • Cinnamon stick - 1/2"
  • Ghee - 1 tsp (vegans can omit)
  • Salt to taste
  • For Tempering/Poppu/Tadka):
  • Curry leaves - 1 sprig
  • Asafoetida - 1/4 tsp
  • Dry red chili - 1, tear and de-seed (optional)


  1. Prepare stuffing by grinding all the ingredients called for 'stuffing' by adding a tbsp of water. Stuff the brinjals with the stuffing and keep aside.
  2. Heat oil in a cooking vessel, add curry leaves and asafoetida and saute for a few seconds. Place the stuffed brinjals in the oil and cook on medium high flame for 2-3 mts. Cover with lid and let them cook on medium low flame for 12-14 mts. Keep checking in between and stir fry to ensure they don’t burn or stick to the pan.
  3. Add the tamarind extract along with the water. Add any left over stuffing at this stage. Bring to a boil and reduce flame, place lid and cook for 10-12 mts. The water content should reduce.
  4. Remove lid and cook over low flame and let the brinjals roast well and it appears like a dry saute (mudda kura). It should take about 8-10 mts for the brinjals to be well roasted. Turn off heat.
  5. Serve with rice, pappu pulusu or sambar.


  • Tamarind is optional. If not using tamarind, add water and follow rest of the recipe.
  • Vegans can omit ghee in the stuffing and follow rest of the recipe.

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