
Minappa Sunnundalu (Urad Dal Laddo) is a traditional Andhra sweet dish that is simple to prepare. Can be stored in an air tight container for at least 2 weeks.
1 cup black gram lentil (without husk)
1 tbsp raw rice
1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup ghee/clarified butter
Dry roast raw rice in a vessel till red on low to medium flame and remove. Now dry roast black gram on a low to medium flame till deep red and till you get a nice aroma, which could take at least 18-20 minutes. You should keep stirring the dal while dry roasting, lest it burns. Remove and allow it to cool. Blend both the raw rice and black gram to a fine powder. Keep aside.

Blend the sugar to a fine powder. Keep aside. Heat ghee till it melts. Do not over heat. Keep aside.Now mix together black gram powder and powdered sugar in a wide plate. Slowly add hot ghee and keep mixing with hand, till the mix holds together.Shape into round balls of the size of a big lime.The ghee should be just enough to hold the powders together and not drip while making balls.
Stored the sunnundalu in an air tight container. Stay fresh for at least 2 weeks.
A combination of jaggery and sugar can be used. Take 3/4 cup jaggery and 1/4 cup powdered sugar.
Mixture of black gram powder and sugar can be stored in an air tight container for 1-2 months. When ever required mix melted hot ghee and make balls.

I love festivals, planning the menu for a festive feast and especially look forward to try sweet treats that I’m yet to blog. 

Sabudana Payasam Recipe
Cooking Time: 45 mts
Cuisine: Andhra
Serves 5-6 persons
3/4 cup sago/saggubiyyam/sabudana, cook in 2 cups water till soft
1 cup sugar
2 cups low fat milk
1/2 tsp cardamom pwd
8-10 cashew nuts
few raisins
1/2 tbsp ghee
1 Heat a pan, add ghee and toast the cashew nuts and raisins till golden brown. Remove from pan, keep aside.
2 In a heavy bottomed vessel, add the sugar water and let it cook for 7-8 mts on low flame.
3 Add the cooked and sago along with left over liquid and let it slowly simmer for 6-7 mts, stirring it once in a while.
4 Turn off heat. Add the low fat milk and combine. On low flame, allow the payasam to simmer for 4-5 mts. Add the cardamom pwd, toasted cashews and raisins. Serve warm or refrigerate until chilled. It tastes good both warm and chilled

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